
Braindumps from the team

Agile in an accountancy firm – recap

Agile is a project methodology. Agile is een projectmethodiek. Unlike traditional project methodologies, Agile does not have a tight hierarchy, no detailed long-term planning and no fixed budget. Agile is often applied in software development. At Braindumplabs we work agile as well. In software development ‘scope creep’ is a mayor risk. Gradually, more and more functionalities are added to the …

Agile in an auditing firm – documentation

The previous post was the first in a series about Agile project management in accountancy. Agile is a methodology that is often used in software development. The main principles behind the concept are the constant change in requirements, not every requirement has the same importance and the team is self-managing. In auditing projects there is also a team working in …